Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some Frequently asked questions for registration and bidding on online auctions. First I want to thank you for your interest in this article.

  1. I have registered for a live auction, do I still need to register? YES!
  2. How do I register? There are a couple different options. You can go to the op of the page and click "Login," or click "Login" on any lot. You will then be prompted to enter a username and password if you have previously created an account, or click "Register" to create as a new account. You will be prompted to create a username and password, fill out personal information such as name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information. After you have entered all this information, you will be prompted to verify your email.
  3. How do I verify my email? We sent you an email. You will need to check your email account. If you don't see it be sure to check your spam filter. Once you open the email, click "Verify Email." Now we have confirmed that we can communicate with you via email so that you can receive invoices.
  4. How do I sell items with Integrity? The first step is to fill out the Sell Form, or call Ben at 605-850-1330.